International Accreditations
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Summary Statement on Accreditation Process - July 2024
Our school's most recent accreditation process with the Council of International Schools (CIS), the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), and the International Baccalaureate (IB) has been a rigorous and comprehensive journey aimed at enhancing the quality of education and ensuring continuous improvement. The accreditation involved thorough self-studies, extensive documentation, and site visits by evaluators who assessed our adherence to international standards of excellence in education.
We engaged in a highly inclusive and collaborative process, involving a broad range of stakeholders including faculty, staff, students, parents, and community members. This collective effort ensured that the self-study was not only comprehensive but also reflective of our school's unique culture and commitment to excellence. The self-study served as a practical and useful guide for further school improvement and quality assurance, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for growth.
The evaluators commended our school for its strong sense of community and the positive atmosphere reinforced by our Guiding Statements. As noted in the accreditation report:
ISP Accreditation Summary 2024
"There is great pride and affection for the school among all constituent groups and a sense of optimism about the future. A strong sense of community permeates the school where each person is valued and respected. This positive atmosphere is reinforced by the Guiding Statements. A spirit of collaboration and cooperation was clearly evident in the development of the self-study and this was affirmed during the meetings held during the visit. Through discussions with the school's community members, it is evident the self-study was seen as a practical and useful guide for further school improvement and quality assurance". CIS Accreditation Team Evaluation Report, in collaboration with NEASC and IB
ISP is fully accredited by the following international authorities:
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Council of International Schools (CIS)
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
- Accreditation since 1981
In our highly interconnected and rapidly changing world, IB programmes aim to develop international-mindedness in a global context... New challenges that are not defined by traditional boundaries call for students to develop the agility and imagination they need for living productively in a complex world. International Baccalaureate,