Student Experience


What Defines the Student Experience at ISP?


Students explore France during Trip Week. These trips are an opportunity for students to get to know their peers, to connect with teachers and to practice their independence. 


Students discover their passions through sports, arts, social justice initiatives, environmental clubs, the newspaper and the school news video productions. 


Students connect school work and life experience through our Paris as a Classroom programme, which includes cultural visits, internships and community service. 


Students release their creativity through the student-led production of plays, musicals, concerts and art exhibitions (vernissages) at school. 


Students lead innovation as Research Curators at the ISP Research Centre. Their mentoring helps everyone understand that school is a place to create knowledge, not just absorb it. 

Take Action

Students take action and develop agency through the Model United Nations program and through collaboration with non-profit organisations. They are change makers in their community. 



Lead and Take Action!

High school students Oakes and Wiktoria led a Service as Action project in their French class to help young refugees in Paris. Listen to their story in this interview!

The student-led group OnJustice discusses the past and the present in order to define a more equitable future. Listen to their podcast here!

The 2020-21 High School Student Council - our leaders on the Beethoven campus!

Visit the DIRection Project website to see the tools students develop to help their peers do research. 

Learn more about the OnJustice group in this video!
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Grade 5 PYP students are leaders too! Find out about Primary School leadership opportunities in this video. 
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Anastasia explains what it means to be a Research Curator.

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Pascale gives research tips. Learn more about the Research Centre here

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Connect and Release!

Watch Part 1 of the Senior School Play - 2020 Vision.
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Watch Part 2 of the Senior School Play - 2020 Vision.
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Visit the 2019-20 Grade 12 Visual Arts Vernissage.
Vernissage 2020
Visit the 2020-21 Grade 12 Visual Arts Vernissage.

こんばんは!Japanese community of ISP の編集部です。

今回、私たちGrade10はService As Action プロジェクトとして日本語のISPサイトを作成しました。
このウェブサイトにはMYP・DPの説明や学校行事に関してまた、コロナに関しての情報を載せています。 他にも大学相談についてのページも掲載予定です。(現時点ではまだ掲載されていません.)
これからも更新していく予定なので 活用して頂ければ幸いです。

高頭 和公丸 (Wakumaru)
倉田 幸太朗 (Kohtaro)
泉 光 (Ko)
西脇 響喜 (Hibiki)

Visit the translated ISP website, created by students for our Japanese community!
Read this blog post about service projects with Parisian organisations!
Ping Pong for Solidarity

January, in the middle of a rainy Parisian winter, is not usually the best moment of the year for an outdoor ping pong tournament. However, a group of International School of Paris (ISP) middle school students organised one despite the weather. They convinced students and staff to participate in an epic ping pong battle, and to donate over 130 euros to families in need of food.

This act of solidarity was supported by Ernest, the non-profit responsible for transforming this monetary donation into a week’s worth of fresh produce for 14 families.  

  • ping pong
  • service learning
  • solidarity
  • student-led

Explore and Discover!

Watch this year's ISP Environmental Conference (ISPEC)! Students organised the conference and presented about different topics related to the environment and sustainability. 
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The Best of Student Life

To understand what life is like as an ISP student, follow ISP on Instagram (@internationalschoolofparis) or like the International School of Paris page on Facebook! There are new posts every day to keep the community up to date on all that is happening at school and in Paris. 

    The world is complex, but life as an ISP student is fun!
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