Learning Support


Which Learning Support Services Are Offered at ISP?

ISP has supplementary learning support services which can be offered to students identified as needing extra help in order to succeed academically at the school.

These services are designed to benefit students who are of average academic ability overall, but who have mild weaknesses in one or two specific core skills (typically reading, writing or mathematics).

The services fall into three categories, or levels:

Basic level support


Occasional, in-class support by learning specialist, in collaboration with class teacher


Advanced support level 1 (A1)

incurs additional fee, please see Fee Schedule


Regular, out-of class support with learning specialist in small groups, up to 2 hours per week



Advanced support level 2 (A2)

incurs additional fee, please see Fee Schedule


Regular, out-of class support with learning specialist in pairs or individually, up to 3 hours per week



Many of the ISP students currently receiving additional learning support will have had a recent psycho-educational evaluation performed by an external specialist. This is a very useful tool which enables the learning support team to focus remediation accurately.

If you feel your child might benefit from this type of service and you already have a psycho-educational evaluation report available, please provide a copy of this as part of your application. If you do not currently have such a document, the Admissions Committee may ask you to obtain one before confirming its decision.

Please note that ISP’s learning support services are in high demand and availability is limited. The services are designed to support students with mild weaknesses in certain key skill areas and cannot address more generalised or significant learning difficulties.

Please also visit our Frequent Parent Questions for additional information regarding ISP and the admissions process.