Grade Placement


How Are Grade Placement Decisions Made at ISP?

We place students into the appropriate grade based on their age on the 1st September of their year of entry, in line with the parameters outlined in our Grade Placement chart, accessible here:

ISP Grade Placement Information

Students in Nursery - Grade 5 attend our Primary School campus (rue du Ranelagh), students in Grades 6 - 9 attend our Middle School Campus (rue Cortambert) and students in Grades 10 - 12 attend our High School campus (rue Beethoven).

When it appears that it could be beneficial for the student, they might be placed in a lower grade than requested, after discussion with the family.

Students are only placed in a higher grade than their age group in exceptional cases, when the cut-off date may be extended to the 31st December. Factors to be considered for such a placement might include:

  • The cut-off date in the child’s country of origin.
  • The child’s successful completion of the equivalent grade elsewhere.
  • A transcript or report cards from the previous year demonstrating exceptional academic performance and social skill.

Please note that no exceptions are granted to Early Years students (Nursery, Pre-K and Kindergarten) based on age or prior school experience.

The final decision on grade placement will be taken by the school based on all the information gathered through the application process.

Please also visit our Frequent Parent Questions for additional information regarding ISP and the admissions process.