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Primary Years IB Programme

From Nursery to Grade 5, our Primary School students explore the PYP.

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Grade 6 to Grade 9 students engage with the MYP on our Middle School campus.

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Middle Years/IB DP Programme

Grade 10 marks an important end of the MYP, ushering in our High School students to the last two years' IB DP curriculum.

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Starting at ISP

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You have received an acceptance letter and completed the registration process. Now you need to get ready to start at ISP! We welcome many new students every year and all families can attend an orientation event before their child(ren) begin at ISP. Orientations happen in late August before the start of the first semester (see calendar) or whenever you arrive at ISP.

The Admissions Team can now send you a school certificate for your visa requirements or as part of your application for a Paris public transportation card (NAVIGO or ImagineR). 

What Information Does My Family Need to Start at ISP?

From July onwards you will receive information to help you prepare for the first day of school. You will also gain access to the ISP Parent Portal, where you will find school handbooks, the staff directory, the detailed events calendar, school policies and a basic school supplies list. You are not asked to buy many materials before starting at ISP, but all students from kindergarten through grade 10 are required to have a kit for the physical and health education (PH/PHE) classes. The kit - ISP tee-shirt and sweatshirt - can be purchased in advance through our partners, 2CPARIS. 

From July new families can sign up for bus and lunch services. See more information below.



How Can We Connect with the ISP Community?

From July you will also receive information about connecting with the ISP Parent Teacher Association (PTA). These volunteer parents, once new to Paris themselves, support members of the ISP community through an ambassador programme designed to help new families transition to life in Paris. The PTA also organises a variety of activities and information sessions throughout the year for all families. 

PTA Presents Paris in September 2022. A special event for the parent community at ISP and a chance for the PTA to give back and share essential information with the new parents.







How Can We Register for Extended Curriculum Activities (ECA)?

Registration for Extended Curriculum Activities (ECA) and sports takes place at the beginning of the school year but families joining ISP after September can sign up for clubs by contacting directly the ECA and Sports Director. Complete details of activities available each year are provided to registered families through the ISP Parent Portal but information and examples of different activities and sports clubs at the school can be found below.